How to Find a Healing Retreat that Suits Your Needs (Step-by-step)

How to Find a Healing Retreat that Suits Your Needs (Step-by-step)

Have you ever felt more than burnt out, a little bit lost, and something blocking your creative expression?

Well, it sounds like you need a healing retreat.

I didn’t know that I needed a retreat until I came across one that resonated with me.

And I thought I was already “healed” from past traumas and issues. But if I was honest with myself, my healing journey had not yet ended.

There was still something deeper that I needed to deal with…

At that point I was already doing all the good habits — meditation, prayers, breathwork, exercise, healthy eating… you name it!

But I felt I was still missing something.

I felt I needed something else.

Ask The Tough Questions

Before I even thought about going on a retreat, I had to find out what was really bothering me and from that, what I needed.

Below are the tough questions and how I went about answering them.

  1. What is bothering me?

Towards the end of 2021, which also dragged on to the first half of 2022, I couldn’t really express myself properly and fully. Something was holding me back. Plus, I felt like I didn’t really have a strong support system (but I do have a few really close friends with whom I can talk to).

  1. What do I need?

For the latter problem, perhaps I needed to belong to a community. For the former, I didn’t actually know how to solve that problem. But then, the opportunity for the retreat came up and I thought, “I’ve not done this before, let’s give it a go”.

  1. Why?

So that I could move forward with ease, explore my potential, and give my best to the world.

Give yourself a good half hour to ponder and answer these questions. Inshallah once you write them all down, you’re one step closer to clarity.

Alpujarra mountains in Southern Spain

Where To Find A Retreat You Deserve

I’d like to preface by saying that you might not need a retreat to seek answers to your problems. You may instead require other kinds of assistance.

But for me, I felt that a retreat might be just what I needed. I had done a lot of self-care and shadow work at this point but I felt I needed something else, something different.

Call it providence, fate, qadr — the Sisters Getaway (previously MF Retreats) popped up on my Instagram one day and I was instantly pulled towards it.

Life works in mysterious ways indeed.

But this might not be the case for everyone.

If I had wanted to find a specific healing retreat for my current needs and situation, I’d search for them via:

  • Social media
  • Google search
  • Word of mouth

Use the tools at your disposal and tell people that you’re looking for a healing retreat that would help you with [insert dilemma]. Who knows, one kind soul would reach out to you and show you just what you need!

The key is to set the intention and ask yourself the tough questions.

Once it’s on your mind, the law of attraction governed by the Almighty will guide you to the retreat you deserve.

List Your Requirements

So now you have found a retreat that tugs at your heartstrings.

You see that there will be activities that may help satisfy your needs.


Now comes the nitty gritty. The details. The logistics.

How will you get there? Where will you sleep? What will you eat? How’s the toilet? What do you need to bring? What else can you do there?

These are questions that you need to ask the organiser if it’s not made clear. Even if it’s clear on the brochure, ask again to confirm before you commit.

For me, the important thing was the availability of vegan food. So I hopped on a call with one of the organisers and laid out my request. They were so nice and helpful that I knew I will be in good hands throughout. If you're a Muslimah looking to getaway, I highly recommend you check out the available retreats by Sisters Getaway.

So before reaching out to the organiser, write down a list of:

  • logistical and dietary requirements you may need
  • other concerns you may have

Clear all your doubts before you commit.

The author at the Alhambra in Granada, Spain

Listen To Your Gut Instinct

You’ve got all your questions answered and all seems to be in your favour.

Yet you hesitate.

Will it be truly worth my time and money?

It well may be.

But because it’s an unfamiliar occasion, your mind plagues you with such a question to perhaps protect you or, God forbid, lead you astray.

Call it survival instincts… or Satan’s whispers.

So what do you do when this happens?

Pray. Meditate. Turn to God and listen to His answer through your instincts.


And then take the leap.